Facing issues with a discord.py "hug command"

There are two mistakes when you are trying to create the discord.Embed:

  • When passing the arguments to the discord.Embed object, you are starting the initializer with a [, which should be changed to (. In Python the [ and ] shall be used only to create a list or to reference any of its positions.

  • You are using a dot . as separator for the different arguments taken by the constructor of discord.Embed, but that should be a comma , .

Here is your corrected code:

hug_gifs = ['https://c.tenor.com/nHkiUCkS04gAAAAC/anime-hug-hearts.gif']
hug_names = ['Hugs you!'] 

async def hug(ctx):
    embed = discord.Embed (
        description = f"{ctx.author.mention} {(random.choice(hug_names))}"

    await ctx.send(embed = embed)