New posts in diophantine-equations

Question about Pythagorean Triples with the same $c$ value

Integer solutions to the equation $a^3+b^3+c^3=30$

How to solve inhomogeneous quadratic forms in integers?

Does the equation $x^4+y^4+1 = z^2$ have a non-trivial solution?

Count the number of positive solutions for a linear diophantine equation

Find integer in the form: $\frac{a}{b+c} + \frac{b}{c+a} + \frac{c}{a+b}$

Calculate the minimum value of an integer $x$, such that $\left\lfloor\frac{xy^2}{xy+w(y-z)}\right\rfloor>z$

Conjecture: Only one Fibonacci number is the sum of two cubes

The equation $x^3 + y^3 = z^3$ has no integer solutions - A short proof

Find all integer solutions to $7595x + 1023y=124$

Solving the equation $ x^2-7y^2=-3 $ over integers

Does $2x^2-1=y^5$ have a solution in integers, with $y>1$?

Derivation of Pythagorean Triple General Solution Starting Point:

Diophantine quartic equation in four variables

Does the Pell-like equation $X^2-dY^2=k$ have a simple recursion like $X^2-dY^2=1$?

Diophantine applications of Spec?

Variation of Pythagorean triplets: $x^2+y^2 = z^3$

Solve $x^2+2=y^3$ using infinite descent?

Does an elementary solution exist to $x^2+1=y^3$?

Any positive integer solutions to $x^6+y^{10}=z^{15}$?