New posts in differential-geometry

How to look at the Lie derivative as a partial differential operator?

Inside /outside test of the point on 2D plane

Shortest path on hyperboloid

The Gaussian and Mean Curvatures of a Parallel Surface

Bound of $D\exp$ in Riemannian manifold with $|\text{sec} M| \leq K$ and $\text{inj}M \geq i_0$

Best Fit Line with 3d Points

Neighborhood deformation retract for the image of a curve

Tangent space of quotient space

Find a diffeomorphism between $SO(3)$ and $\mathbb{R}P^3$

Diffeomorphism $f:U\to V$ then $Df:\mathbb{R^n}\to\mathbb{R^m}$ will be linear isomorphism hence $n=m$

A curve where all tangent lines are concurrent must be straight line

Is every loop in a 3-manifold homotopic to some loop on its boundary?

Sanity check: Is every T-principal bundle over T trivial?

Proving rigorously a map preserves orientation

What does the symbol $\operatorname{Tr}$ in the Yang-Mills action mean?

Control the sectional curvature

Notation: subscript vs. superscript for coordinate vector fields

Proof behind $S^n\cong SO(n+1)/SO(n)$

The Dido problem with an arclength constraint

Is $x^3-6xy+y^2=-108$ a regular submanifold but not a regular $k$-submanifold?