New posts in diagonalization

Finding $P$ such that $P^TAP$ is a diagonal matrix

Minimal polynomial of diagonalizable matrix

$A,B$ be $n\times n$ semipositive-definite, rank $A=r.$ Find an invertible $P$, such $P^{-1}A(P^{-1})^T=diag(I_r,0)$, $P^T BP=diag(\lambda_i)$

A matrix is diagonalizable, so what?

Intuition on spectral theorem

Block diagonal matrix diagonalizable

Finding a 2x2 Matrix raised to the power of 1000

Can a matrix be invertible but not diagonalizable? [duplicate]

$AB=BA$ with same eigenvector matrix

$C=A+B$ diagonalizable $\implies$ $A$ and $B$ simultaneously diagonalizable?

Why does a diagonalization of a matrix B with the basis of a commuting matrix A give a block diagonal matrix?

Diagonalization of a projection

Are idempotent matrices always diagonalizable?

How to determine the diagonalizability of these two matrices?

If two matrices have the same eigenvalues and eigenvectors are they equal?

Symmetric matrix is always diagonalizable?

Eigenvectors for shear matrix and diagonalizing.

Are most matrices diagonalizable?

Changing the basis in diagonalization: why doesn't it work?

Square root of Positive Definite Matrix