New posts in definition

Why is $\pi$ = 3.14... instead of 6.28...?

Why is the Operator Norm so hard to calculate?

How to represent the floor function using mathematical notation?

Why do we accept Kuratowski's definition of ordered pairs?

Easy to understand definition of "asynchronous event"? [closed]

Codomain of a function

What's the purpose of the two different definitions used for limit?

Is a line parallel with itself?

What is a Shim?

An "elementary" approach to complex exponents?

Is there a general theory of the "improper" Lebesgue integral?

Exotic Definitions of Groups

What is the exact difficulty in defining a point in Euclidean geometry?

How exactly can't $\delta$ depend on $x$ in the definition of uniform continuity?

*Recursive* vs. *inductive* definition

What is the difference between a schema and a table and a database?

Understanding induced representations

In Mathematical Logic, What is a Language?

What is an algebra?

Understanding the definition of Sylow $p$-subgroups