New posts in deb

Building a .deb file, install dependencies too

should i install the .deb or .tar.gz? [duplicate]

How to add multiple dependencies to debian package?

Change / Choose install path for a .deb

Full Google Chrome removal

Why not all Linux packages/software come in .deb format? [closed]

.deb package for Ubuntu: correct Java dependency

apt: list required dependencies for deb package without installing it

.deb Wps office 2019 only runs as root [kubuntu 21.04]

AWS EC2 Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS: deb command-not-found [closed]

Linux's /etc/init.d - symlink, hard link, or actual file?

How to modify a deb package?

Help Installing Gimp 2.7.5 on Ubuntu 11.10

how to upgrade my Debian package with minor changes

How can I make a .deb package of Kdenlive from source in github?

Can I call other dpkg or apt-* commands within my preinst scripts?

Do I have to create a new snap package everytime a dependency gets a security update?

Canon printer driver issue

32-bit version of Zoom for Ubuntu?

Multiple DEBs provide virtual package, which is listed as Depends