How can I make a .deb package of Kdenlive from source in github?

I'm trying to install Kdenlive from From looking Online, it seems the best way is to build a .deb package from the source and install it with the created package. But, how exactly do I go about making a .deb package from source from github?

You aren't building a deb from source here. You can read the documentation provided on the link you posted, but I will summarize here. The commands you will have to do will be as follows:

git clone
cd kdenlive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/bin
make -j4
sudo make install

This will:

  • Gather the source files
  • Set up a build environment
  • Tell the system where to install (In this case, /usr/bin so that it can be called with just kdenlive)
  • Build the source into binary
  • Copy the binary into the installation path so that it can be called.

If, however, you really do want to build a .deb file, you can do most of this process the same. However, before you begin, start by running:

sudo apt-get install checkinstall

Then, follow the same procedure as above. However, replace:

sudo make install


sudo checkinstall

The checkinstall application monitors what was made and installed, and compiles a .deb file accordingly.