New posts in countable-nouns

Is traffic a countable noun or an uncountable noun?

-ness words as count nouns?

Countable uncountable noun vs always singular noun

Compound words/noun phrases in english with different number of words in plural/singular form

Do nonsense and bull**** have corresponding plural forms?

less cases or fewer cases [duplicate]

What meaning of/phrase based on the verb to call is used in "I call [noun]" (for instance bull****) and considerations with count nouns?

Plural of "radiation", "reflectance" and similar words

Are frozen pizzas countable or uncountable?

Trying to pair amid/among properly with sound/sounds

Using “one” with nouns whose countability is ambiguous

Mass noun Question: "survival"(uncountable) , "struggle(countable)"

"I often buy fruit" vs "I often buy fruits"?

Why "attention to detail" over "attention to details"

is opportunity countable or non-countable?

Coffee or coffees in this context? [closed]

Why do the words hundred & thousand require "a" before them, where ten & ten thousand do not? [duplicate]

When did "learnings" become an accepted countable noun?

Can a word countability change when you are able/unable to count it?

when does the noun "time" become a countable noun?