New posts in countable-nouns

Since 'few' is used for countable nouns and 'less' is for uncountable nouns

around town or around towns? [closed]

How to treat a plural count noun?

"No restriction" vs. "no restrictions"

Too less vs too little [closed]

Is WTF singular? uncountable?

How is 'fixture' a count-noun when 'furniture' is a mass noun?

How much or many the scores [closed]

Why do we say "What do you do for a living"?

When is the word "Departure" countable or uncountable? [closed]

Meaning of velocity - mass noun vs countable noun

“I am looking for soaps” or “I am looking for soap” - which one is better?

Is the word 'mistake' a concrete or abstract noun? [duplicate]

Why is it "the loss of American life" as opposed to "the loss of American lives"?

In the following sentence, shouldn't "family" take its plural form?

two uncountable nouns with and

skin as a countable noun example

Types of (plural) or types of (singular)? [duplicate]

Why do U.S. Americans say "a good value" (using indefinite article "a")

Is it okay to use the word "freedoms" in the following sentence or should I use the word "freedom"?