New posts in conversation

"Well" as an introduction to an argument

"Truth" as a reply instead of "True"

What does "those are the breaks" mean? [closed]

Ask someone about their birth order [duplicate]

What word describes our habit to use extremes in language, and what are its implications?

Is there a more modern way to say "it's a pity"?

How to express surprise when you do not expect something and forced to do it

"Also" and "as well" for conversational context

What’s the origin/etymology of “mm-bye”?

Is the response "I am fine, thank you. And you?" outdated?

What should a reply to "What's up?" be? [duplicate]

When is it OK to use OK?

Greeting: "Cold enough for you?"

Appropriate replacement of “nice to meet you” for online salutation?

Proper answer to "excuse me"

Is “nice to meet you” an appropriate online salutation?

Provisioned for the weekend

What are exchanges like "How are you," "I'm fine," and "See you later" called?

Is there a word for "umming"?

How should I address a professor in the US?