New posts in continuity

How to solve $\dot{x} = \frac{f(x)}{\|f(x)\|}$?

A continuous bijection from a compact space to a $T_2$ space is always a homeomorphism

Is there a function having a limit at every point while being nowhere continuous?

The definition of continuously differentiable functions

How to prove differentiability implies continuity with $\epsilon-\delta$ definition?

How is the epsilon-delta definition of continuity equivalent to the following statement?

$f$ brings convergent nets to convergent nets, is it continuous?

Is a function differentiable if it has a removable discontinuity

How can a function with a hole (removable discontinuity) equal a function with no hole?

Proving the inverse of a continuous function is also continuous

$f:[a,b]\to \mathbb R$ is continuous iff graph of $f$ is connected and closed. [duplicate]

Additivity + Measurability $\implies$ Continuity

Is there a bijective seacucumber?

Does there exist a space filling curve which sends every convex set to a convex set?

Assume $f\left({\frac{f(x)}{x}}\right)= f(x)$. Show that $ f$ continuous

Equicontinuity on a compact metric space turns pointwise to uniform convergence

Is handoff / continuity (iOS 8+) supported in iTunes to seamlessly switch playback between Mac and iOS?

How prove there is no continuous functions $f:[0,1]\to \mathbb R$, such that $f(x)+f(x^2)=x$.

If a function is undefined at a point, is it also discontinuous at that point?

If $x$ is a càdlàg function and $f$ has compact support, how can we approximate $\sum_{s\in(a,\:b]}f(\Delta x(t))$?