New posts in conditionals

Which one of my possible translations for this sentence best reflects the time construct of the original sentence? [closed]

Is "would" appropriate in this case?

In the following sentence, why is perfect conditional used instead of present conditional

Which tense should this be? "are to" vs "were to"

"I would like that he was normal"; is this sentence correct?

Why are the "first conditional", "second conditional", and "third conditional" so named?

'd instead of would - when is it acceptable? [closed]

Conditional in the past: using present or preterit?

If Oswald didn’t shoot Kennedy someone else will have

Why does the author use ‘would’ in “I would kill him inchmeal just now”?

Conditional: if + past simple, future simple

conditionals: what's the difference between these two sentences?

Does the third conditional with past continuous exists? Examples are given below

If I was there vs if I had been there

What type of conditional is this? "If Julie went to the party last night, she definitely saw what happened."

'Provided that' followed by two conditions

Trouble with second conditionals (with “could”)

I have found 3 conditionals which have the word 'will' in the if clause!Are they correct?

"I like to" vs. "I'd like to"

Use of "may" or "might" and their inherent semantic difference