New posts in computational-complexity

What is the relationship between ZFC and Turing machine?

Definition of time-constructible function

Can an algorithm be faster than O(1)?

Finding the asymptotic behavior of the recurrence $T(n)=4T(\frac{n}{2})+n^2$ by using substitution method

What does a pair of vertical pipes mean within a function, as related to computational complexity?

How to formulate the P v.s. NP problem as a formal statement inside the language of set theory?

Why is factorization of large number hard

An algorithm for arbitrage in currency exchange

Why isn't NP = coNP?

little O proof wrong approach

Cholesky of matrix plus identity

Must an algorithm that decides a problem in NP also produce a solution?


What is the complexity of succinct (binary) Nurikabe?

Is there an easy way to find the sign of the determinant of an orthogonal matrix?

Complexity of computing $ABx$ depends on the order of multiplication

Is precomputation of the prime-factor-decomposition feasible?

What is the time complexity of Euclid's Algorithm (Upper bound,Lower Bound and Average)?

Can some proof that $\det(A) \ne 0$ be checked faster than matrix multiplication?

How long can proofs be?