New posts in command-line

Can I manpulate Little Snitch access control lists via CLI on Mac OS X?

How do I compare two files containing several md5 checksums to determine changed files?

How to force command line VLC to stream youtube videos of specific quality?

How can I grep a text piece from a 1 line text file with delimiters

How can I duplicate a file x times in a different directory with terminal?

How to use sed to replace an environment variable

How to list files from n biggest directories?

Grep string with special character on remote server using ssh

Open a terminal with font size option through command line

"Eject device" from command line

Permission denied when trying to append a file to a root owned file with sudo [closed]

Copying folder to NAS drive using terminal

Ctrl+Alt+T doesn't open Terminal (Compiz related?)

Wget like utility to download all images in directory

Which command do you execute to open Gnome Disk Utility (Disks)?

How do I send GET and POST requests using Curl?

How to identify USB webcam by serial number from the Linux command line

CLI: Get information Ubuntu releases

Print the second or nth match of a sed search which is based in between two patterns

Trying to create a CSV file from a text file in Ubuntu