Permission denied when trying to append a file to a root owned file with sudo [closed]

This is the shell command that results in "Permission denied" when I'm trying to append the data in a file to another file with sudo:

sudo cat add_file >> /etc/file

The file at /etc/file is owned by root (i.e. me) and its permissions are rw-r--r--. Should I become root for a moment to make it work or is there a workaround for sudo?

Run bash as sudo:

$ sudo bash -c "cat add_file >> /etc/file"

$ whoami;sudo bash -c "whoami";whoami

Try doing this instead :

sudo tee -a /etc/file < add_file

It's lighter than running bash or sh -c command

A funny possibility is to use ed (the standard editor):

sudo ed -s /etc/file <<< $'r add_file\nwq'

I know I won't get upvoted for this wonderful answer, but I wanted to include it here anyway (because it's funny). Done!