New posts in combinatorics

Choosing 5 elements from a set of 13

How many ordered quadruples of positive integers $\{a,b,c,d\}$ are there such that $a\leq b\leq c\leq d\leq 50$ and $a+b+c+d=100$?

Counting minimum elements needed such that their sum covers the whole finite space.

"Ballot numbers" sum up to Catalan numbers

Ratio of $2$-norm to infinity norm of coefficients in the expansion of $(1+𝑥+𝑥^2+\ldots+x^m)^n$?

Does this double series converge?

Prove there are at least $2$ lines with the property that each of them divides the plane into $2$ regions with the same number of red and blue points. [duplicate]

Prove $30|(a^3b-ab^3) $

Prove that $\sum_{n=0}^N\binom{2N-n}N2^n(n+1)=(1+2N)\binom{2N}N$

Does $K_{12,12}$ decompose into $K_{4,4}-I$ subgraphs?

Combinatorial interpretation of Euclid's form for even perfect numbers

Permutation - how to order 6 elements out of 13 with 3 conditions

How many matrices in $M_n(\mathbb{F}_q)$ are nilpotent?

Kings on a chessboard

$32$ Goldbach Variations - Papers presenting a single gem in number theory or combinatorics from different point of view

How long does a sequence need to be to be guaranteed to have a monotonic subsequence length k?

Matching Hats AND Coats Problem

What does this list permutations implementation in Haskell exactly do?

Proof of the duality of the dominance order on partitions

How do I prove that $2^n=O(n!)$?