New posts in combinatorics

Combinatorial Interpretation of Fractional Binomial Coefficients

How many matrices exist with this increasing row and increasing column condition?

Under what conditions does the n-dimensional, infinite, unit-square-grid graph contain a Hamiltonian ray?

A canonical construction proving $\left|HK\right| = \left|H\right|\left|K\right| / \left|H \cap K\right|$?

Proving the same sum of two subsequences by Pigeonhole Principle?

Finding the smallest set on which a group acts faithfully

Number of isoceles triangles formed by the vertices of a polygon that are not equilateral

No sum of three numbers equals another number in set

All clubs have a member among $n$ people

Different shapes made from particular number of squares

Number of ways to partition $40$ balls with $4$ colors into $4$ baskets

A combinatorial proof of the identity $\sum\limits_{k=0}^n\binom{2k}{k}\binom{2(n-k)}{n-k}=4^n$ [duplicate]

The number of esquares of idempotents in the rank 2 $\mathcal{D}$-class of $M_n(\mathbb{Z}_2)$.

Number of Ways to Fill a Matrix with symbols subject to Weird contsraint.

More elegant proofs of $\binom a2+\binom b2\leq \binom{a+b-1}2$

Asymptotics of number of ways of putting balls into bins with constraints

How to group people so everyone meets?

Combinatorial proof $\sum_i^{\lfloor{n/2}\rfloor} (-1)^i {n-i\choose i} 2^{n-2i} = n+1$

Car parking related probability

If $X$ and $Y$ are two ordered sets, how many orderings of $X \times Y$ exist that preserve the orderings of $X$ and $Y$?