New posts in coding-theory

Deducing correct answers from multiple choice exams

"Anti-Gray codes" that maximize the number of bits that change at each step

Minimum distance of a binary linear code

Galois Field Fourier Transform

Guessing a number between $1$ and $100$ with 10 distinct questions and 9 honest answers

Question about LFSR

Generating a binary code with maximized Hamming distance

Hamming distance equals hamming weight under $XOR$ closure

Cryptography and Coding Theory

Addition and multiplication in a Galois Field

Factorize polynomial over $GF(3)$

Has error correction been "solved"?

For what $(n,k)$ there exists a polynomial $p(x) \in F_2[x]$ s.t. $\deg(p)=k$ and $p$ divides $x^n-1$?

Shtarkov sum approximation

CRC computation

how to construct a binary matrix with given row and column distribution

Decoding and correcting $(1,0,0,1,0,0,1)$ Hamming$ (7,4)$ code

Is the set of all finite sequences of letters of Latin alphabet countable/uncountable? How to prove either?

How is this possible to convert a long string to a number with less characters?

An illusionist and their assistant are about to perform the following magic trick