New posts in combinatorial-designs

Question about members in sets

Getting everyone to meet everyone else

Partition a set into g groups, k different ways, such that no pair of elements is ever in the same group together more than M times

To find the minimum number of $3$-toppings pizza so that it meets the demand of my friend!

For which $q$ there exists a Steiner system $S(2, q, q^2)$?

"Math Lotto" Tickets - finding the minimum winning set

How many meetings would it take for 12 people to meet in 4 groups of 3 until they met everyone?

How many rounds would it take to get each pair on the same team at least once, not using all possible teams?

how to construct a binary matrix with given row and column distribution

How do you create projective plane out of a finite field?

Maximally unique beach volleyball games

For which $n\in\Bbb N$ can we divide $\{1,2,3,...,3n\}$ into $n$ subsets each with $3$ elements such that in each subset $\{x,y,z\}$ we have $x+y=3z$?