I would like to understand the CRC computation using CCITT CRC-16 $x^{16} + x^{12} +x^{5} +1$. I was able to successfully implement it in a program but I would like to understand the computation behind it. I was not succesful in the paper-n-pen technique. Is the CRC computation with CRC-16 different.

Any useful hints in this direction.

P.S : I am not keen on the program or the shift register implementation but the traditional way of computing CRC with polynomials or binary sequence using binary division technique.

Thanks for reading

Solution 1:

A CRC computation is as follows. You have a data polynomial $d(x) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} d_ix^i$ where the $d_i \in \{0, 1\}$ are $n$ bits to be transmitted (or recorded). What is actually transmitted (or recorded) is $$t(x) = x^{16}d(x) + p(x)$$ where $p(x)$ is the ${\textit remainder~polynomial}$ when $x^{16}d(x)$ is divided by the CRC polynomial $C(x) = x^{16} + x^{12} + x^5 + 1$. Note that polynomial division yields $$ x^{16}d(x) = q(x)C(x) + p(x) $$ where the quotient $q(x)$ is discarded. But the above equation can be re-arranged as $$ q(x)C(x) = x^{16}d(x) - p(x) = x^{16}d(x) + p(x) = t(x) $$ (because arithmetic on the polynomial coefficients is done modulo $2$ and subtraction is thus the same as addition), and thus $t(x)$ is a multiple of the CRC polynomial $C(x)$. Since $p(x)$ is of degree $15$ or less, the high-order coefficients of the polynomial $t(x)$ are the data bits while the low-order coefficients are the so-called CRC bits or parity bits, that is $$ t(x) = d_{n-1}x^{n-1 + 16} + d_{n-2}x^{n-2+16} + \cdots d_0x^{16} + p_{15}x^{15} + p_{14}x^{14} + \cdots + p_0. $$

In computing $p(x)$ via polynomial long division using paper and pencil, you need to remember that

(i) $\quad \quad$ $d(x)$ is multiplied by $x^{16}$ before beginning the long division

(ii) $\quad \quad$ the subtractions of polynomial coefficients that occur in the long division process are all done modulo $2$ and thus are the same as additions modulo $2$ (that is, the XOR operation)

(iii) $\quad \quad$ the long division continues till $x^{16}d_0$ is processed and the remainder is a polynomial of degree $15$ or less.

Practical CRC systems often have bells-and-whistles (such as the high-order bits $8$ bits in $x^{16}d(x)$ are complemented before the division process begins etc.) which I have not included above because these are likely not of interest in this forum. However, ignoring such details in your paper-and-pencil computations will make your results differ from the ones your machine is giving you.

At the receiving (or reading) end, what you have is a polynomial $r(x)$ which might be $\textit slightly$ different from $t(x)$ if transmission (or read) errors changed some of the bits. The CRC error detection process merely divides $r(x)$ by $C(x)$; no need to multiply $r(x)$ by $x^{16}$ first. If the remainder is nonzero, then $r(x)$ is $\textit not$ a multiple of $C(x)$ and so the receiver knows that transmission (or read) errors have occurred. But if the remainder is $0$, then $r(x)$ is a multiple of $C(x)$, and with high probability, is the same as $t(x)$. The low-order $16$ bits in $r(x)$ are discarded and the high-order $n$ bits are accepted as error-free data. When the remainder is $0$, there is a small probability that the difference between $r(x)$ and $t(x)$ is a multiple of $C(x)$. Such errors are referred to as undetected errors. The probability of undetected error decreases as the degree of $C(x)$ increases. For this reason, many modern systems use CRC polynomials of degree 32.