New posts in civilization-6-rise-and-fall

What are all of the emergency triggers?

What are all of the ways to raise/lower a city's loyalty?

What use are Great Prophet points if you already have a religion?

How to increase city strength?

Is there a Warmoger penalty for capturing Free Cities?

What unlocks the three final Government Plaza buildings?

Can a mine get science from multiple adjacent Seowons?

Does the Seowon's 4 science count as an adjacency bonus?

Does a city I have liberated still exert loyalty pressure on me?

Does the War Department building effect stack with Scythia's trait?

Play DLC witch physical copy on the Switch

Civilzation 6 how to change a game from Simultaneous Turns to Dynamic Turns and hotseat/multiplayer/singleplayer?

Cedeing a city in the trade screen is now useless

Emergency countdown missing

Civilization VI Rise & Fall - My2K cloud save is no longer working

What advantages does the Water Park have over an Entertainment district?