Is there a Warmoger penalty for capturing Free Cities?

I haven't noticed a penalty for capturing Free Cities so far in Rise and Fall.

Even when an opposing Civ had it's final city declare independance and then I captured that city, I didn't experience the expected drop in diplomatic relations for wiping out a Civ.

Has anyone found evidence that this is indeed the case? I couldn't see anything about it in the Civilopedia.

Solution 1:

I've tested this a few more times, and from what I can see there is no Warmonger penalty for caputuring a Free City, even if that Free City used to be the last remaining city of an enemy Civilization.

As has been mentioned, this is likely to prevent you suffering a warmonger penalty for taking your own rebellious cities back by force, but it does provide an amusing (if situational) way to wipe out an AI civ without suffering the "captured a Civ's last city" warmonger bonus.