New posts in civilization-6-gathering-storm

What happens when a volcano is flooded?

Why are camps REDUCING production?

Panama canal not in list of wonders?

How picky should I be when choosing a start location as Kupe?

Are strategic resources secretively revealed before the required technology?

What is this icon in the top bar of CIvilizations VI?

Play DLC witch physical copy on the Switch

How can I earn Diplomatic Victory Points?

Civilzation 6 how to change a game from Simultaneous Turns to Dynamic Turns and hotseat/multiplayer/singleplayer?

How can I get wonder animations in multiplayer?

Can't build Ruhr valley wonder for some reason

Can you not sell/destroy buildings?

Is it possible to know how long a nuclear reactor has been running in Civ 6?

How do I set up Civ 6 on multiple displays?

Why can't I build Great Wall on this particular tile?