New posts in category-theory

Relationship between Category theory and Axiomatic set theory

Does this "extension property" for polynomial rings satisfy a universal property?

Tensor products commute with inductive limit

Universal property characterizing $\Bbb R$

Isomorphisms in terms of pullbacks

Category theory for graph theory research

Order in writing composed morphisms

Details in applying the Barr-Beck monadicity theorem to Tannakian reconstruction

Equivalence of two definitions of local functors

Is the category of left exact functors abelian?

Is there a finite abelian category?

Equivalent characterizations of faithfully exact functors of abelian categories

Can exponentials be distinct from hom-functors in enriched categories?

$A \longrightarrow \text{Im} f$ is an epimorphism and a cokernel of ker $f \longrightarrow A$ in every abelian category

Endofunctor on abelian category which fixes simples

Category on integers with the usual product and coproduct?

What are presentable categories?

Is homotopy group of infinite product of spaces a direct sum or a direct product of groups?

Direct products in the category Rel

is there a property of a category that is preserved by category isomorphism, but not equivalence?