New posts in camera

How to take multiple photos before dismissing camera intent?

How to transfer large videos from iPad 2 camera roll to Windows XP?

How get permission for camera in android.(Specifically Marshmallow)

How do I rotate a movie on the iPad/iPhone?

how to capture an image in background without using the camera application

Simultaneous AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput

How to allow Chrome to access my camera on localhost?

Presenting camera permission dialog in iOS 8

"No connected camera" error using MacBook Air

Qt/KDE camera app alternative to Cheese in Kubuntu 18.04?

Python Library to read wavefront object and Render it to JPEG file

HP Truevision HD built-in webcam not working in ubuntu 18.04

How to render Android's YUV-NV21 camera image on the background in libgdx with OpenGLES 2.0 in real-time?

No Camera in Skype

How to tell if Optical Image Stabilization is actually working on my iPhone 6 Plus

Intent does not set the camera parameters

What AR/Lidar app is this?

How can I take a picture with my built-in laptop camera with Windows 7?

Windows 10: What is the Microsoft "App Connector" and why would it want/need access to my camera?

How to add access to the camera to one app which doesn't appears in the system preferences ->privacy menu?