How to allow Chrome to access my camera on localhost?

Solution 1:

To ignore Chrome’s secure origin policy, follow these steps.

Navigate to chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure in Chrome.

Find and enable the Insecure origins treated as secure section (see below).

Add any addresses you want to ignore the secure origin policy for. Remember to include the port number too (if required).

Save and restart Chrome.

I found solution from below link.Hope it will help to someone

Solution 2:

Are you accessing the webpage that is served over HTTP, on localhost? If you are accessing it from http://localhost/... , Chrome will ask for your permission to use the camera.

Chrome accessing camera on localhost

If you are opening the web page directly, i.e. /Users/Methuz/Documents/index.html then it will not work, even if you explicitly allows it permission

Chrome cannot access camera over file protocol

In this case, the workaround I use is to host the HTML file on a webserver. A quick hack is to use python, in the folder where the HTML page is lcoated: python -m SimpleHTTPServer