New posts in c11

Is int main() { } (without "void") valid and portable in ISO C?

A pointer-to-a-VLA-typed controlling expression in a _Generic expression

How to extract the source filename without path and suffix at compile time?

Does any C library implement C11 threads for GNU/Linux?

What is the default C -std standard version for the current GCC (especially on Ubuntu)?

Multi-Threading support in c11

C11 GCC threads.h not found?

What is C17 and what changes have been made to the language?

Why does "noreturn" function return?

Use memcpy_s in c++ [duplicate]

Operator precedence table for the C programming language

Incompatible pointer types passing in _Generic macro

Does &((struct name *)NULL -> b) cause undefined behaviour in C11?

Printing null pointers with %p is undefined behavior?

Why does auto a=1; compile in C?

Why does "sizeof(a ? true : false)" give an output of four bytes?

Syntax and Sample Usage of _Generic in C11

When are anonymous structs and unions useful in C11?

Is type-punning through a union unspecified in C99, and has it become specified in C11?