When are anonymous structs and unions useful in C11?

Solution 1:

Anonymous union inside structures are very useful in practice. Consider that you want to implement a discriminated sum type (or tagged union), an aggregate with a boolean and either a float or a char* (i.e. a string), depending upon the boolean flag. With C11 you should be able to code

typedef struct {
    bool is_float;
    union {
       float f;
       char* s;
} mychoice_t;

double as_float(mychoice_t* ch) 
   if (ch->is_float) return ch->f;
   else return atof(ch->s);

With C99, you'll have to name the union, and code ch->u.f and ch->u.s which is less readable and more verbose.

Another way to implement some tagged union type is to use casts. The Ocaml runtime gives a lot of examples.

The SBCL implementation of Common Lisp does use some union to implement tagged union types. And GNU make also uses them.

Solution 2:

A typical and real world use of anonymous structs and unions are to provide an alternative view to data. For example when implementing a 3D point type:

typedef struct {
            double x; 
            double y;
            double z;
        double raw[3];

vec3d_t v;
v.x = 4.0;
v.raw[1] = 3.0; // Equivalent to v.y = 3.0
v.z = 2.0;

This is useful if you interface to code that expects a 3D vector as a pointer to three doubles. Instead of doing f(&v.x) which is ugly, you can do f(v.raw) which makes your intent clear.

Solution 3:

struct bla {
    struct { int a; int b; };
    int c;

the type struct bla has a member of a C11 anonymous structure type.

struct { int a; int b; } has no tag and the object has no name: it is an anonymous structure type.

You can access the members of the anonymous structure this way:

struct bla myobject;
myobject.a = 1;  // a is a member of the anonymous structure inside struct bla   
myobject.b = 2;  // same for b
myobject.c = 3;  // c is a member of the structure struct bla