New posts in c99

What's the proper use of printf to display pointers padded with 0s

How universally is C99 supported?

Why was mixing declarations and code forbidden up until C99?

Signedness of enum in C/C99/C++/C++x/GNU C/GNU C99

C, reading multiple numbers from single input line (scanf?)

Is int main() { } (without "void") valid and portable in ISO C?

How to tell GCC that a pointer argument is always double-word-aligned?

Good introduction to <inttypes.h> [closed]

Is there a document describing how Clang handles excess floating-point precision?

Smart pointers/safe memory management for C?

Anonymous union within struct not in c99?

What is the difference between intXX_t and int_fastXX_t?

C variable declarations after function heading in definition [duplicate]

Declaring an array of negative length

Does Microsoft visual studio 2010 support c99?

What are the incompatible differences between C(99) and C++(11)?

Which functions in the C standard library commonly encourage bad practice? [closed]

Does a[a[0]] = 1 produce undefined behavior?

Why are compound literals in C modifiable

How to properly add hex escapes into a string-literal?