New posts in c-star-algebras

In a C*-algebra, put $a^*a \sim aa^*$. Transitivity fails?

Showing that $\lim \sup\limits_{\gamma} \left \|a - a e_{\gamma} \right \| \leq \|a - b\|$ for all $a \in A$ and $b \in J.$

Showing that $A/J \cong \mathbb C.$

The set of all normal operators on a Hilbert space is not strongly closed

Show that $\phi$ and $\psi$ are not equivalent.

What is the commutative analogue of a $C^*$-subalgebra?

Extending a $C^*$-algebras morphism to the multipliers

If a sub-C*-algebra does not contain the unit, is it contained in a proper ideal?

Showing invertibility of bounded operators.

Can $ {L^{1}}(G) $ be a $ C^{*} $-algebra?

C$^{*}$-algebra acting irreducibly on the finite-dimensional space $\mathbb{C}^{n}$ must be $M_{n}(\mathbb{C})$

C* Algebra textbook recommendation

Sufficient condition for a *-homomorphism between C*-algebras being isometric

K-theory for non-separable C*-algebras

Square root is operator monotone

Computing $K$ - theory groups of certain $C^{\ast}$- algebras

Extension of character in Banach algebras

normal elements in spectral theory.

Upper-triangular matrix is invertible iff its diagonal is invertible: C*-algebra case

In how far are CCR and GCR C*-algebras interesting?