New posts in bug

XCode Problem - Couldn't load settings from contents.xcplayground

Safari 7.0.4 doesn't remember my login status. "Remember me" not working (OS X 10.9.3)

OS X 10.11 El Capitan - Verifying file dialog, every time a file is opened

Unable to install app from web on iOS 8

With dual monitors, changing one desktop will change the desktop of the other screen as well

How to prevent Terminal window from changing its size after opening and closing tab

Cannot login to macbook pro due to keyboard not working. Mouse can move, but not click

Why does placing a Moto X on my Macbook turn off the screen?

Black rectangles in menu bar that randomly appear

How can I report security vulnerabilities for open source OSX applications?

Apple Bug Report (Apple's Response Time?)

macOS Mission Control strange behavior on Sierra

How Finder can find this file with long name?

How to get around “say” command bug when setting volume?

iOS 8.4 does not update apps

AppleScript progress bar bug: How to prevent progress dialog from lingering?

iPhone XR stuck on update

Chrome doesn’t start on Mac OS

Custom keyboard layout problem High Sierra

Cusor won't react to hyperlinks when using Safari