Cusor won't react to hyperlinks when using Safari

Solution 1:

There's nothing in the release notes that would indicate this has been fixed, so it's likely a new bug. I don't do Mac OS development, but for this to work, Safari has to tell the OS 'hey, change the mouse pointer when you're over this area.'

Some things you might try:

  • Reset NVRAM and/or PRAM
  • If you have multiple monitors, unplug all but the primary one, and restart the system.
  • Change the size of the mouse pointer; that might force the pointer system to reset.
  • Reinstall the OS (Bonus: this reinstalls Safari.)
  • Consider updating the firmware on the monitors you have. (Instructions and links will be manufacturer-specific.)

Update: Looks like it's settable via CSS, so you've probably got a mix of buggy javascript, CSS, and maybe a bug in Safari. Here's a JSFiddle that illustrates how it works.

Solution 2:

Been testing for a day, Safari Safari Technology Preview Release 86 seems fixed this issue.

The problem might be related to this:

Pointer Events

  • Added support for chorded button interactions
  • Updated to fire pointerout and pointerleave events after firing pointercancel

Not sure when the public version of Safari will be fixed.