Add a Service to an Application, not General

I have a script that I'd like to show up in the Services menu of the QuickTime app.

I already know how to make scripts show up in the "General" section of Services, which makes them available in every app. And know macOS comes with categories of Services in System Preferences.

Is there a way to assign a custom script to a single application?

Solution 1:

To have an Automator Service/Quick Action show up in only a given application's Services menu, then in this case set, e.g.:

Workflow receives [Automatic (Nothing)] in [QuickTime Player]

      Note that [Automatic (Nothing)] is the default and can be changed as appropriate.

When setting in [QuickTime Player] the Automator Service/Quick Action will only appear in the Services menu of QuickTime Player, although it will show under General: in the application's Services menu.

It this case it will also show under General in: System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services

As you can see in the pictures below, Say Foobar shows on the Services menu of QuickTime Player, but not Safari.


enter image description here

enter image description here

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