New posts in bug opens spontaneously

OSX Lion freeze after sleep

How do I remove search suggestions from iOS Safari?

Blank Notification Banner Stuck in macOS Sierra

Photos not synching, macOS 'optimize storage' not working, and 175GB of photos downloaded for no reason

Inactive menu bar in Yosemite blinks annoyingly

Lion: Arrange Bug?

How can I fix the tiny type in iOS 10 Mail?

How to fix slow trackpad: OSX 10.12.2

No sound on after installing Big Sur

App icon duplicated with a 'grayish' overlay on iPhone 6 with iOS 8

Why is FAT16 limited to read-only with TrueCrypt on Snow Leopard?

Screen won’t lock after upgrading to Catalina

Is it possible to view bugs submitted by others to Apple's bug reporter?

How to leave product feedback on macOS? [duplicate]

Changing desktop background in OS X 10.8 only changes it for the current desktop space

How can I troubleshoot this re-occuring prompt to give a mysterious app security access?

Incorrect output for long lines with tabs

App Store on OS X broken after system restoration from backup

How to resolve dropping wifi issue since Yosemite upgrade?