New posts in bug

Auto logout results in severe login screen bug

Insect inside the display of the iPad Retina

Sudden flash of gray in the background

Kali Linux - Can't move or resize any window - Everything is stucked on topbar

Killing an application

Service crashes when using AppleScript to click menu bar icon [duplicate]

How to get old Spotlight Search View back for Yosemite?

accountsd eating up all CPU resources when wireless has no internet connectivity

Services bug that prematurely activates an application

iPhone with repeating loading spinner

Edit System Dictionary on Mac OS 10.8

Mac preview crash everytime when searching

Skype is showing up in Launchpad twice — why? How do I fix it?

Which iOS versions are affected by the 2nd December date bug?

PDF rendering bug in OS X and iOS

Where can I go to make enhancement/feature requests for OSX Lion? [duplicate]

What could cause Command-Tab task switching to get "stuck"?

How to contact Apple about connection issue on

How can I open MTS video files to iPhone's photostream so applications can use them?

AppleScript bug: When placing plain text on the clipboard, the text is always converted to rich text