New posts in brownian-motion

Why do we unavoidably (or not) use Riemann integral to define Itô integral?

Uniqueness of Brownian motion

The probability that a linear Brownian motion will hit a curve

Can I apply the Girsanov theorem to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process?

Prove the time inversion formula is brownian motion

Collection: Results on stopping times for Brownian motion (with drift)

Expectation of Stopping Time w.r.t a Brownian Motion

Density of first hitting time of Brownian motion with drift

Wiener Process $dB^2=dt$

Integral of Brownian motion is Gaussian?

Geometric Brownian motion and its inverse

What is the importance of the infinitesimal generator of Brownian motion?

Using a martingale property to deduce orthogonality of some increments

Showing that $X(t)=\int_0^tB(s)ds $ is a Gaussian process.