New posts in boolean-algebra

Getting Stone duality from the duality between sober spaces and spatial frames

'Algebraic' way to prove the boolean identity $a + \overline{a}*b = a + b$

Symmetric relations form a CABA

How to prove that $[(p \to q) \land (q \to r)] \to (p \to r)$ is a tautology without using the truth table?

What are some theorems made easier by Stone Duality?

how to solve system of linear equations of XOR operation?

Show that $ \{\lnot,\leftrightarrow\} $ is not functional complete

Karnaugh MAP VS Boolean Algebra as Boolean Simplification Methods. Same Answer after simplification??

A $\sigma$-algebra that is complete as a Boolean algebra?

Why, logically, is proof by contradiction valid?

When a lattice is a lattice of open sets of some topological space?

Is every subgroup of infinite Boolean group finite?

Logical Equivalence Derivation (Propositonal Logic)

De-Morgan's theorem for 3 variables?

Not every boolean function is constructed from $\wedge$ (and) and $\vee$ (or)

Why are Boolean Algebras called "Algebras"?

Duality principle in boolean algebra

Is XOR a combination of AND and NOT operators?

Can Boolean ring without unit be embedded into a boolean ring?

Prove XOR is commutative and associative?