New posts in bash

Using groovy, how do you pipe multiple shell commands?

Bash and True Color

how to mount/umount folder with bindfs/fusermount from root account without privileges?

Passing list of file paths in variable as arguments to command

How to add element to the gsettings array at the specific location (given by index)?

Is it possible to do an unattended/silent lamp installation?

Extract multiple 7z files with auto rename

what is DELUXE-USR-LOCAL-BIN-INSERT in ~/.profile file?

Accented characters and terminal redirection

How can I operate on all files of a certain type if they might not have the right extension?

What does . do in the command git add [duplicate]

Which shell I am using in mac

Modify Bash prompt prefix in OS X terminal [closed]

`os.symlink` vs `ln -s`

Why does this script fail when run from cron, but works when run manually?

How to reorder folders? (as displayed in `ls -U`)

bash history is appended, but histappend is off

shell script respond to keypress

grep fails to find text in this file

for name in `ls` and filenames with spaces