New posts in unattended-upgrades

How to make sure docker service will start after containerd upgrade?

What are all the versions focal, focal-updates, focal-backports, focal-proposed, focal-security [duplicate]

What is the meaning of the different Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins?

Is it possible to do an unattended/silent lamp installation?

Why did Docker get stopped on unattended upgrades

unattended-upgrades not running, /etc/cron.daily/apt missing

Unattended upgrade is ignoring some packages

Unattended-upgrades mail only on error or reboot?

What if NO update, security or otherwise is ever installed? [duplicate]

Disable Kernel Auto-Updates in Ubuntu 18.04 (cli only)

unattended-upgrades on Ubuntu Server 20.04 not working, stuck in shutdown/wait-for-signal

How to verify that unattended-upgrades are enabled?

unattended-upgrades vs cron-apt on a server

Why unattended-upgrades upgraded so few packages, seemingly?

Configure unattended upgrades notification e-mail's from address

Ubuntu server 20.04 unattended-upgrades installing bionic kernel

How to customize unattended-upgrades notification emails?

Best strategy for pausing apt updates

Best practices for keeping EC2 Ubuntu machines updated

Bogus message from automatic updates