New posts in unattended-upgrades

Heavy load by APT unattended-upgrade

Unattended Upgrade End Script

apt/unattended-upgrades stalls shutdown

Why do both cron and systemd execute automatic upgrades?

How to automatically install updates before shutdown?

Terminate unattended-upgrades or whatever is using apt in ubuntu 18.04 or later editions

unattended-upgrade CPU 100% for 4 hours (every time) [in case of many routing tables]

Apt - strange requests to

Ubuntu 18.10 - Unattended-upgrades-shutdown --wait-for-signal

How to remove Ubuntu's automatic internet connection needs?

What is /usr/lib/apt/apt.systemd.daily [duplicate]

What happens with changed config files when unattended-upgrades runs

Why unattended-upgrades does not fix heartbleed bug?

Ubuntu 16.04: Unattended-upgrades runs at random times

Does unattended-upgrades also include apt-get autoremove?

Unattended Upgrades - could not be installed automatically

Unattended-Upgrades and autoremove dangerous?

Unable to upgrade 16.04 LTS to 18.04 LTS

How can I stop unattended-upgrades from rebooting the machine?

Intel NUC unattended-upgrades battery power error