New posts in escape-characters

How to properly vim-escape a variable/register

Passing list of file paths in variable as arguments to command

tmux printing u'0x001b' and "]112" randomly

How can I format this path to work as registry key value?

How to escape "$@" in a makefile?

Is there a way to escape single-quotes in the shell?

How to use awk separator of single quote?

How to escape "-" in bash [duplicate]

How can I tell Vim to show ANSI escape codes properly?

How to escape "!" and "&" in docker's environment varibles

How do you escape apostrophe in single quoted string in bash?

Escaping %’s in file-/folder-names at the command-line [duplicate]

Include an "at" symbol ("@") in a text cell

Escaping a password using mysqldump console

Excel Conditional Formatting Escaping a Question Mark

How do I escape spaces in command line in Windows without using quotation marks?

Why does `echo -e "\\\SOME_TEXT"` show only one backslash?

In bash, how do I escape an exclamation mark?