New posts in groovy

Flattening a nested map in Groovy

Overriding grails.views.default.codec='html' config back to 'none'

How to specify character literal in groovy?

Why implicitly call of the inner class instance not allowed? [duplicate]

Printing out variables and values in a Groovy object

How can my Gradle build initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.Verifier?

Using @Value Spring Annotation with Groovy

Groovy: Generate random string from given character set

Try-catch block in Jenkins pipeline script

Jenkins pipeline: No such DSL method

Groovy collections performance considerations regarding space/time

How do I simply parse a date without a year specified?

How to copy files in Groovy

Groovy: how to test if a property access will be successful?

Groovy: Create a Map with JAX-B Object's specific attributes

Groovy write to file (newline)

Maven archetype to create a groovy project

Is it possible to Git merge / push using Jenkins pipeline

Load Jenkins Pipeline Shared Library from same repository

How to read properties file from Jenkins 2.0 pipeline script