New posts in bash

What is the easiest way to edit a variable in a bash script from another bash script?

read first 8 characters of text file with bash

macOS can't split with Command + D

Trying to script deleting files from wildcards in a text file

What does shellcheck warning SC2129 “Consider using { cmd1; cmd2; } >> file instead of individual redirects.” mean?

How to print variable value in next line using echo command

Attaching some code to session start and end in Linux

Grep and xargs: File name too long

How to install zsh on git for windows

Ηow to append an variable with many words at the beginning of a file [duplicate]

Sed for replacing pattern

how can I redefine the interrupt signal to Escape or Delete key?

Simple Git Bash .sh Script on windows to change directory does not work. Basic change directory in .sh script [closed]

Bash cannot expand backticks interactively

directory name with space and bash

Simulate pgrep using plain grep

Batch copy time creation and modification date from files using OSX

How do you set a minimum number of characters for Bash tab completion?

Redirections shell

Using the with cURL command-line tool on Mac, What can I do to this script to ask it to fetch stock data which comes back WITHOUT commas?