New posts in bash

compare file's date bash

How can I move or delete files created in certain time range?

No need for export when running functions in subshell

Can I use bash brace expansion in for loop?

Hotstrings on a bash console

How do I disown/detach a process from the Git Bash terminal that come with Git's Windows installer?

Recursively rename files - oneliner preferably [duplicate]

Extracting name between two delimiters via awk

I compiled a assembly code on kali linux but i cant run it [closed]

Mac sed not the same as linux

BASH script variables have no values

How to redirect output of a command to a file when the command will prompt user inputs?

How can I search and replace a variable in Linux?

Actions before logout from ssh session

with mv, consider the path/name of the original file when choosing destination [duplicate]

bash script: {dir1,dir2,dir3} expansion not working as expected from variable, for picking a random file

chown $www-data results in invalid option -- d

Fast way to create gui for bash app

How can I pipe the output of a bash or shell command to the clip board? [duplicate]

GTK commands in a single BASH shell script, is it possible?