Fast way to create gui for bash app

I posted an answer here, that may be useful, for convenience I will just put it here again.

Yad may be useful in this regard, it is a fork of zenity with more features, one of them the ability to create forms.

Here is a very simple example of a form:


frmdata=$(yad --title "Test Form" --form --field "Address" --field="Name")

frmaddr=$(echo $frmdata | awk 'BEGIN {FS="|" } { print $1 }')
frmname=$(echo $frmdata | awk 'BEGIN {FS="|" } { print $2 }')

echo $frmaddr > test.txt
echo $frmname >> test.txt

The above script will display a form like this:

enter image description here

After you enter your data and click ok or hit enter on the keyboard, the form data will be written to a text file called test.txt, I am using awk to separate the form data which is a string with a pipe as field separator, I believe there is a direct way to get the data without awk but I am no yad expert, please check the project home and ask questions, you may find a more elegant way.

How to get and install yad here:

yad project home:

more examples here:

There is no form designer for it yet but since the syntax is so simple and so close to zenity, that is not usually a problem.

For simple user-input you can use zenity (lives in the zenity package). A simple example might be something like this:

VARIABLE=$(zenity --entry --title="Give me inputz" --text="Write some stuff")

For a textarea (as we'd say in the HTML world), you'd change the syntax to something like this:

zenity --text-info --title="Give me inputz" --editable

You can find out a lot more from its manual. It's a very flexible little library user input in simple scripts.

Edit: You can also find some good examples over at Linuxaria.

Take a look at this:

You use:

source easybashgui
input 2 "Address" "?" "Name" "?"
cp "$dir_tmp/$file_tmp" "test.txt"