rsync --include-from not working

I found the solution. I took me two full days to find it. I hope this help you to not spend that much time.

The first problem was that the sub-directory subdir in /usr2/subdir was included and I did not wanted that whole directory to be included, I just wanted it to be the base directory, so it requires a slash at the end as in /usr2/subdir/, so my new command looks like:

rsync -ruvv --rsh=ssh /usr2/subdir/ remoteSrv:/tmp/.

Note that I added an extra v option in the command line (-ruvv) to get more detail of what was excluded or included at the moment of running the command. With the base directory fixed and the extra v it was a little easier to built the right include file:

+ data/
+ data/text_forms/
+ data/text_forms/*.per
+ data/text_forms/*.42f
+ data/text_forms/*.xml
+ data/text_forms/*.xml.*
- *

All the + lines have to be placed before the - *, specially for directories as I had to explicitly include each directory to scan even if I don't want to get files directly inside those directories. I did a test adding a data/anyTestFile1 and a data/text_forms/anyTestFile2 because I was not sure if those where going to be picked up, but they did not, so it is doing what I want.... finally.