New posts in banach-spaces

Differences between $L^p$ and $\ell^p$ spaces

Vector, Hilbert, Banach, Sobolev spaces

Properties of reflexive Banach spaces

Dual space of Bochner space

An application of J.-L. Lion's Lemma

Young's inequality for discrete convolution

Is there an easy example of a vector space which can not be endowed with the structure of a Banach space

Must a "projector" on a normed space be bounded?

Banach spaces isomorphic to square

Closure of the span in a Banach space

Space Sobolev $W^{m,p}$ complete

If weak topology and weak* topology on $X^*$ agree, must $X$ be reflexive?

How does $\sigma(T)$ change with respect to $T$?

Trouble with the proof of Proposition 4.3.18 of Pedersen's Analysis Now

Why is this inclusion of dual of Banach spaces wrong?

Prove the normed space of bounded variation functions is complete

Proving that a Hölder space is a Banach space

Generalized Riemann Integral: Improper Version

Can the image of a not-bounded "projector" on a normed space be closed?

Smallest constant of Lipschitz retraction from bounded to continuous functions