New posts in banach-spaces

Is the complex Banach space $C([0,1])$ dual to any Banach Space?

Frechet derivative of shift operator in $l_2$?

The category of Compact Hausdorff spaces is special: why? In which other contexts bijections are automatically isomorphisms of objects?

Hahn-Banach extensions from $E$ to $E^{**}$.

Importance of the uniform boundedness principle

Conditions for a linearly independent sequence with dense linear span to be a Schauder basis for a Banach space

Does separability follow from weak-* sequential separability of dual space?

Is $X^\ast$ is weak* separable equivalent to $B_{X^\ast}$ is weak* separable?

Properties of dual spaces of sequence spaces

How do you prove that $\ell_p$ is not isomorphic to $\ell_q$?

Dense subset of two Banach spaces also dense in the intersection

Why is $GL(B)$ a Banach Lie Group?

Extreme points of unit ball of Banach spaces $\ell_1$, $c_0$, $\ell_\infty$

How to converge to a bounded real sequence by a sequence of bounded sequences in $l^\infty$ using Banach limits? [duplicate]

Lower Semicontinuity Concepts

Do there exist closed subspaces $X$, $Y$ of Banach space, such that $X+Y$ is not closed?

$\ell^p$ is not isometric to $\ell^q$

question on Banach Limits from Conway's book

Inverse Mapping Theorem implies Open Mapping Theorem

How to prove that the closed convex hull of a compact subset of a Banach space is compact?