New posts in banach-spaces

Gelfand Triples / Rigged Hilbert Spaces - Reflexivity necessary?

Is a completion of an algebraically closed field with respect to a norm also algebraically closed?

Show that the operator is invertible

space of bounded measurable functions

Is there such a mapping that is open mapping.

Equivalent definitions of Injective Banach Spaces

Image of unit ball dense under continuous map between banach spaces

Linear combinations of delta measures

Prove that the normed space $L^{\infty}$ equipped with $\lVert\cdot\rVert_{\infty}$ is complete. [duplicate]

Example of application of Komlós theorem

Infinite dimensional constant rank theorem

Given $T \in L(X,Y)$, show the equivalence between: existence of $S$ such that $S(T(x))=x$, and $T$ being injective with $T(X)$ complemented in $Y$

Every compact operator on a Banach space with the approximation property is a norm-limit of finite rank operators

If $T:L^p[0,1] \to L^p[0,1]$ bounded for $1 < p < \infty$ with continuous image, then it's compact

Does existence of a non-continuous linear functional depend on Axiom of Choice?

Kernel of $T$ is closed iff $T$ is continuous

is bounded linear operator necessarily continuous?

The Principle of Condensation of Singularities

how to construct an absolutely convergent series which is not convergent in the space $(C[a, b], ||•||_1) $?

How to prove this inequality in Banach space?