New posts in audio-recording

How do I capture the audio that is being played?

Improve Android Audio Recording quality?

How to mute microphone after recording using javascript

How can I combine two audio tracks within the same .mov file?

Is it possible to record phone calls via an Android App?

How to improve the quality of AMR audio recordings in Windows?

How to use Computer as a HeadSet using a bluetooth dongle paired with Android phone [duplicate]

How to use Audio Recorder to record tracks in separate files?

Can you recommend a good replacement for Windows Sound Recorder? [closed]

Screen recording using ffmpeg

How to convert .m4a audio files to .mp3 use command line?

What to do when audio is not getting properly captured?

How to record sound 24/7

How can I record audio to wav format?

How can I download audio from Google’s sample text-to-speech?

Convert a cassette tape recording to digital format

ffmpeg with blackhole audio "crackling" noises, why?

What can I do to enhance MacBook Pro internal mic sound quality in iMovie?

How can I repair a broken 3GP/MP4 file without a moov header?

Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling